In this Conquer Local podcast with George Leith, we discuss three key issues that , a book I co-authored with Jeff Clulow and John Smibert explores.

In strategic B2B sales, the need for COLLABORATION among buyer stakeholders, building CONSENSUS and accepting CHANGE are critical.

Salespeople need to understand the internal politics of an organisation and the different archetypes they will encounter to build COLLABORATION in the buying process. They need to get key stakeholders working together to a common purpose to achieve business benefit.

Collaboration is the process of creating something with others


And to reach an agreement, salespeople need to help the key stakeholders achieve CONSENSUS. A position where they may not agree 100%, but can each accept the decision that is made in the purchase.

Consensus is not about having unanimity around an issue or solution, but having an agreement all can accept the impact


Further, they have to help the stakeholders understand the need for and acceptance of CHANGE.

Without CONSENSUS, COLLABORATION and an acceptance of CHANGE strategic B2B sales happen out of luck, not good sales practice.

#b2bsales #strategicsales #salesprocess #salestraining